

  • Python 3.8+

  • A UNIX-like environment (e.g. MacOS, WSL, Ubuntu)

  • A recent version of PostgreSQL (ideally at least 11+)

Install Cool-Seq-Tool#

Install Cool-Seq-Tool from PyPI:

pip install cool-seq-tool


Cool-Seq-Tool provides extra dependency groups for development and testing purposes. Most users won’t need to install them.

  • dev includes packages for linting and performing other kinds of quality checks

  • tests includes packages for running tests

  • docs includes packages for writing and building documentation

Set up UTA#

Cool-Seq-Tool requires an available instance of the Universal Transcript Archive (UTA) database. Complete installation instructions (via Docker or a local server) are available at the UTA GitHub repository. For local usage, we recommend the following:

createuser -U postgres uta_admin
createuser -U postgres anonymous
createdb -U postgres -O uta_admin uta

export UTA_VERSION=uta_20210129b.pgd.gz  # most recent as of 2023/12/05
gzip -cdq ${UTA_VERSION} | psql -h localhost -U uta_admin --echo-errors --single-transaction -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -d uta -p 5433

By default, Cool-Seq-Tool expects to connect to the UTA database via a PostgreSQL connection served local on port 5433, under the PostgreSQL username uta_admin and the schema uta_20210129b.

Set up SeqRepo#

Cool-Seq-Tool requires access to SeqRepo data. In general, we recommend the following for local setup:

pip install seqrepo
export SEQREPO_VERSION=2021-01-29  # or newer if available -- check `seqrepo list-remote-instances`
sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/seqrepo
sudo chown $USER /usr/local/share/seqrepo
seqrepo pull -i $SEQREPO_VERSION

If you encounter a permission error similar to the one below:

PermissionError: [Error 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/share/seqrepo/2021-01-29._fkuefgd' -> '/usr/local/share/seqrepo/2021-01-29'

Try moving data manually with sudo:

sudo mv /usr/local/share/seqrepo/$SEQREPO_VERSION.* /usr/local/share/seqrepo/$SEQREPO_VERSION

See mirroring documentation on the SeqRepo GitHub repo for instructions and additional troubleshooting.